Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My recent outdoor shots

I thought once that I wasn't really into taking outdoor shots, especially the time that I had my own photo studio. So basically I spent day and night taking studio shots of whatever. Pins, pots and pans, fruits, whatever I can get my hands on. It's really helpful especially during the winter months when it's around -10 degrees outside. Then I get to a point when I basically run out of idea, like a well during summer months. And that's when I thought that I needed a break and need to shoot something different. Something that I don't need to setup lights for.

Then me and my fiancée decided to get mountain bikes...and that's when the fun started.

I started biking again. I haven't had a bike in about 15 years...a very long time and I decided that I'm getting one this year and boy that was a very good thing.

I started biking around our neighborhood, exploring every bike trail close to us. I was amazed on how many photo opportunities I was missing every time I see something new. So I decided to take my camera with me. I usually pack up a wide angle, and a telephoto...nothing in between, so it's usually an extreme wide and extreme long combination. Though I suggest that if you are doing this to make sure that you pack your bag very carefully. Also there's always a risk of falling from your bike so be very cautious when riding with your camera equipment in your back.

So far I have been very delighted with my shots. A lot of them were shot in HDR, so I usually pack up a tripod too.

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